Valkyrie Seasonal League

By Valkyrie Community

Teams and Captains

Teams will consist of up to 5 players including one Captain (TEAM Captain NOT the Captain/roam role) . The Team Captain can be chosen by the team or elect themselves to be a Team Captain and pick a team.

Teams can be any mix of players from any of the Valkyrie guilds (doesn't have to be all from one guild or the others.) NO outside guild players may be submitted in ur team. Players that are on a break but have been in the community or have semi-quit but are known to us may be accepted, and will be assessed on an individual basis. (Ask me)

Teams will have an opportunity to swap players out and in at set times every month and reshuffle their rosters, whether that be because a player has left or arguments or any other reason. (Again you can come to us and ask if you are struggling to put out a team and want to swap players outside the allotted transfer window and we will decide)

Teams DON'T have to be in game teams they just have to register as a team and choose a name and that's it.

Choose a Team Captain wisely and think before u put ur name forward. Team Captains will have more work and be expected to be mature, and available. They will be responsible for planning their games with other Team Captains, communicating with us as a point of contact if there are any problems, and will have the final say in roster selection. They will also be held accountable for their players behaviour, actions and sportsmanship (or lack of). Of course you can run your team as a democracy where you all vote on stuff or just generally agree, and you can nominate a vice-captain in case the Team Captain has any problems (work/school/etc). Basically you can choose how you run your teams but the Official Team Captain we have written down will be the one we communicate with.

Schedules and format

The format will be a league. For those that don’t know what that is it will be similar to VG8 on a points accumulation system, but without the knockout element. So every team will play against every other team at least once and will play a best of 3 with a point earned for each GAME won. For example: If there were four teams, team A would play team B and team C would play team D week one. Then week two team A would play team C and Team B would play team D. If team A wins 2-0 they get 2 points on the leaderboard, and if it's 2-1 the loser also gains a point for the game they won.

The schedule will be written by us after registration has closed. Teams will be given ONE series scheduled for each week and the two Team Captains will have to sort between themselves a suitable time that is good for everyone to play their game each week. So first week you might play on a Monday night, next week you might play on a Saturday. We ask that everyone bare in mind that people have real life obligations that's why we have 5 players per team. If you have a problem scheduling a match that week then come to me/us as soon as you can so I/we can help with matchmaking if needed. In certain circumstances a game might be allowed to be played the next week or whatever as we want this to be casual, unstressful and run by you guys with minimal input from us.

This will run on right through to a designated time next season from us where a winner will be declared, prizes and accolades given, and the points will reset.

Teams missing games, if the opposing Team Captain can prove they have made an active effort to schedule will be awarded a loss and a 2-0 victory will go to the opposite team. However we hope this won’t have to happen and will endeavour to help you guys make your matches if needed.

Goes without saying, this is a casual yet competitive tournament. We want it to do different things for different people, for people who aspire to learn it is designed to help players integrate, get to know people, learn how to play in a team. For players with aspirations for competitive play it will help learn to scrim together and experience playing high level scheduled games like VGL and VG8. But ultimately, though sodium can sometimes form around these events, we would ask that players be humble in victory and defeat, and conduct themselves with the grace we expect from our members. Serious or repeated trolling and raging will lead to people being potentially banned. We want this to be fun for everyone involved.

Nitty-Gritty rules

One account per person. Smurf accounts may be used but as long as that is the only account. Multiple accounts cannot be used across different teams. Likewise, the registered account must play in the scheduled games regardless of whether it is the same person on a smurf. Also anyone found account sharing will be banned automatically.

Everyone is responsible for their own connection, AFK and lag issues are unfortunate but unless the opposition team offers the chance to redo the match or accepts a redo then you have to take the results regardless. Unfortunately we don’t have the ability to spectate and pause games.

A screenshot of each series result will suffice as proof of a win (the screen with the gold etc not the builds.) You are welcome to have spectators if they are free and first come first served on slots, but it will be 3 ppl to a voice party on discord ONLY, any hint of impropriety or cheating or allegations will be dealt with. If you feel you have been cheated or dispute the outcome then DM myself or one of the organizers. Same with streamed games, if anyone is thought to be using streamed games to cheat we will investigate.

If waiting for a player at a scheduled date and time, half an hour will be expected before the game can be called off and then a rematch or a forfeit will be looked at. If there are any problems such as this, then screenshot as much info/conversation as possible to help with sorting out the right from wrong.
Regarding actual games, normal universal VGL rules apply. If you don’t know these rules then you can google it as I cba to link it.
The team that is written first on the schedule in a matchup is known as team A and will start on A side for draft and then rotate each game in the series. If a team faces the same team again later in the season it will be switched around so the previous team A is now team B.

General FAQs

Is this just for the high level guys? No, this is for EVERYBODY in the Valkyrie, Valhalla, Ragnarok community, regardless of skill tier, position, country, race, colour, religion, hair colour, gender, sexual orientation...

Can we choose our teams and Team Captains or will we get randomly selected? You will choose your own teams, names and Team Captains as said above.
How do I sign up if I have a team and if I can’t find a team where can I find one? Atm there is a channel at the bottom of Valkyrie main discord called ‘Valkyrie-League-Find-Team’ use this to drop a message if you have a team and are looking for players, or drop a msg giving your position, skill tier and attributes if looking for a team. If you still can't find a team before the tournament starts then come to me.

Can I watch the games? Yes, if there is a free slot at the time you are welcome to spectate, as long as both Team Captains agree with this and there is time. (This doesn't apply to certain people I will appoint as official VSL spectators who will monitor certain games)

Streaming and casting

You may stream or record games (in fact we encourage this), either from your pov or as a spectator, however we ask that you put at least a 30 second delay to assure fairness. If you see someone watching your stream you suspect is a player then let us know. Also we have various guild streamers, if your teams happen to be free at the same time someone wants to stream or you want to arrange it this way then we encourage that. This is a great chance for our streamers, and also our casters (and aspiring casters) to build up viewers for streamers and for casters to hone their skills or try their hand. If you are a streamer who wants to get involved in VSL let us know. There doesn't have to be any fancy overlays or anything, literally it can be a case of ‘Hey u free to stream or game we are playing in an hour?’ ‘Yeh sure why not?’ And the game gets streamed. We will retweet out any link to help streamers get exposure.

If you have any questions regarding VSL or any of the rules do not hesitate to ask. Myself (robbieg) Wuda and imperium will be running the day to day operations and you can pretty much ask any elder if you need an answer to a question or have a problem.
With regard to worrying about finding a team, you will have plenty of chance don't worry but start looking now.

Registration is coming soon you will know as it will be announced and rules are subject to change if needed