Players in the match


Discord ID (Example: Dingo#8643): 1
Steam: 1
Epic: n/a
Xbox: n/a
Switch: n/a
Playstation: n/a
Platform ID (SteamID, EpicID, PSN ID, Nintendo Network ID, Xbox Live Gamertag) Custom: 76561197991686427
Discord ID (ex. Dingo#8643): Guji #1566
Discord ID (Example: Dingo#8643): 1
Steam: 1
Epic: n/a
Xbox: n/a
Switch: n/a
Playstation: n/a
Platform ID (SteamID, EpicID, PSN ID, Nintendo Network ID, Xbox Live Gamertag) Custom: 76561198043432807
Discord ID (ex. Dingo#8643): The Mind #5593
Discord ID (Example: Dingo#8643): 1
Steam: n/a
Epic: n/a
Xbox: n/a
Switch: n/a
Playstation: 1
Platform ID (SteamID, EpicID, PSN ID, Nintendo Network ID, Xbox Live Gamertag) Custom: yungkabob
Discord ID (ex. Dingo#8643): stiflersmom#5259
Discord ID (Example: Dingo#8643): 1
Steam: 1
Epic: n/a
Xbox: n/a
Switch: n/a
Playstation: n/a
Platform ID (SteamID, EpicID, PSN ID, Nintendo Network ID, Xbox Live Gamertag) Custom: 76561197977605921
Discord ID (ex. Dingo#8643): InstallationZero#7210

Nova RL

Discord ID (Example: Dingo#8643): 1
Steam: n/a
Epic: 1
Xbox: n/a
Switch: n/a
Playstation: n/a
Platform ID (SteamID, EpicID, PSN ID, Nintendo Network ID, Xbox Live Gamertag) Custom: Astthororri
Discord ID (ex. Dingo#8643): Lovethor#4336
Discord ID (Example: Dingo#8643): 1
Steam: n/a
Epic: n/a
Xbox: n/a
Switch: n/a
Playstation: 1
Platform ID (SteamID, EpicID, PSN ID, Nintendo Network ID, Xbox Live Gamertag) Custom: Genderblender69
Discord ID (ex. Dingo#8643): halldoraa#7123
Discord ID (Example: Dingo#8643): 1
Steam: n/a
Epic: n/a
Xbox: n/a
Switch: n/a
Playstation: 1
Platform ID (SteamID, EpicID, PSN ID, Nintendo Network ID, Xbox Live Gamertag) Custom: Einarbaldvin19
Discord ID (ex. Dingo#8643): Einarbaldvin#1887