By EAGE Universiti Teknologi Petronas
Event Details: The tournament is designed similar to the MLBB M1 and M2 world championships
where 12 teams compete first in group stages then followed up by knockout stages to win the

1. Open to all.
2. Each team should consist of 6 members. (5 first team and 1 substitute).
3. A team captain should be assigned to contacted before, during and after event.
4. Each of the group leaders will be added to a WhatsApp Group a week prior to the event. Every update regarding event will be passed through the group.
5. Event dates and time are fixed few days prior to match. Any changes in the time should be notified at least 1 day before the scheduled time.
6. 1 referee will be assigned for each match to obtain the results. Each team will only get 1 opportunity to request for pause in game only if any of the team member faces ‘Network Stability Issues’.
7. NO REMATCH is allowed. Participants are advised to run a network test prior to the game to avoid any network stability issues.
8. Any team detected of using cheat e.g Maphack, Ping Hack or any other type of act which disrupts the fair nature of the game will be immediately disqualified.
9. NO COACHES are allowed to spectate the game.
10. No using vulgar words in chat box.
11. Any teams who does not follow the time given which is not on time will be disqualified.
12. The tournament follows the MLBB M1 Championship Format. The 12 groups will be placed in 4 separate groups to undergo group stage. The winner of the group stage will
proceed to the upper bracket of the knockout round whereas the runner up and the 2nd runner up of each group will undergo a qualifying round to enter which will decide which team would proceed to the lower bracket of the qualifying round.
13. Teams from both brackets will play in a knockout round format to determine the winner of the tournament.
14. Tournament Day and Time : 27th ,29th ,30th, 31st October 2021 from (5-10pm). There will be a break in between from 6
to 8pm