Players in the match

The dark rats

Abreviación del nombre del Team: TDR
ID + Tag del Representante del Equipo: MG Vermyns #26898
Medio de contacto en Discord (ID + TAG ej melg#123): Vermyns #2267
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soy jiggly#SOMYI
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No information on this player


Abreviación del nombre del Team: zg
ID + Tag del Representante del Equipo: anonimus
Medio de contacto en Discord (ID + TAG ej melg#123): novato#9413
ZG NOVA #666
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ZG KoTse #SVG21
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ZG MaximoJuega #6256
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ZG Tuckson #0609
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ZG Xavier #5244
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ZG Nico Knot #NEM
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ZG Totogucci #ASHE
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ZG Mendo ツ #NASHE
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