FTW Esports
FTW Esports

Players in the match

FTW Esports

Clan Tag: #LQLPJJQ
Representative discord tag: ChefUnder#1781
Second representative discord tag: tiago'w#4870
Pays: Portugal
Player Tag: #P2LVQCYQ
Discord tag: vsc#3044
Discord ID: 313324463158722561
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #88P28YPUR
Discord tag: LoiRo#1740
Discord ID: 364144890432585750
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #RV8GRC8J
Discord tag: Tiago'W#4878
Discord ID: 431034359613489163
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #VCQ8JRUP
Discord tag: Toaster#4147
Discord ID: 352999852705185804
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Kush N-1
Player Tag: #G99UURLC
Discord tag: Kush N-1#0989
Discord ID: 429679829105770497
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #P8229PC
Discord tag: IceTuga#5364
Discord ID: 234709041765548032
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #QRQGLVJV
Discord tag: ChefUnder#1781
Discord ID: 516963489789640704
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #2VQ0GRLPP
Discord tag: funas#6350
Discord ID: 380353637337268224
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #2PUCVG29R
Discord tag: funas#6350
Discord ID: 380353637337268224
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a


Clan Tag: #2YJVU08GL
Representative discord tag: Leandro | Celtiberos#7547
Second representative discord tag: Melchorl93 | Celtiberos#6719
Pays: Argentina
CTB Leandro
Player Tag: #2YJQGQGYJ
Discord tag: Leandro | Celtiberos#7547
Discord ID: n/a
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
CTB iron
Player Tag: #YYCUVCPL
Discord tag: iron | Celtiberos#5817
Discord ID: n/a
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
CTB Melchorl93
Player Tag: #8YR8V8OR2
Discord tag: Melchorl93 | Celtiberos#6719
Discord ID: n/a
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
CTB Francodefe
Player Tag: #RGQRV8
Discord tag: Francodefe | Celtiberos#1755
Discord ID: n/a
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
CTB Santiago
Player Tag: #2GY28PYYR
Discord tag: santiago94#0854
Discord ID: n/a
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
CTB Diego
Player Tag: #PV2J88LP
Discord tag: Diego 77#4563
Discord ID: n/a
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Lord Alin
Player Tag: #2UL2JOJGY
Discord tag: lord Mexican#7055
Discord ID: n/a
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #2OVL8JLCQ
Discord tag: Renzu#7788
Discord ID: n/a
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
CTB Valen
Player Tag: #VG9JYGV9
Discord tag: Pindolaes177#4287
Discord ID: n/a
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
CTB Pablito ViP
Player Tag: #98P9CPRG
Discord tag: Mr.PablitoDeep #6405
Discord ID: 488767372140871684
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a