Red Bull Solo Q EUW 1

Red Bull Solo Q – EUW International Qualifier 1 – 2022

Complete Rulebook :

Quick Rules :

● Every participant must be citizen, or be resident for at least 6 months, of the country in which the Red Bull Solo Q tournament is held.
● Participants must be at least 16 years old when playing in the tournament.
● Participants must not be listed in Riot’s League of Legends Esports League-Recognized Contract Database. The database can be found here :
● The tournament is played as a 1v1 on the top lane of “Summoner’s Rift” until quarter-finals.
From quarter-finals onwards, the tournament is played on a customized “Howling Abyss” Further details are to be briefed to the semi-finalists by the admin team.
● For Summoner’s Rift, you are free to move from outside the top lane, but you cannot interact with anything except the enemy champion outside of top lane. This means no honeyfruits or blast cones. Nor are you allowed to hit any creatures outside of top lane for life steal purposes.
● The qualifier is played as 32x 128-slot, single-elimination tournaments. The winners of each 128-slot bracket will be put into a single-elimination playoffs bracket.
● An unlimited number of participants can sign up to each qualifier – then the first 4096 participants to check-in starting 60 minutes before each qualifier will be eligible to play
● In order to win you need to fulfill one of the following criteria: First Blood (First death loses), 100 cs, or the first turret kill.
● Every participant must take screenshots of their win. In case both participants send in different match results you are required to provide proof of your victory
● The winner of each qualifier advances to the Solo Q World Finals
● Bans must be written in the game lobby. See point 4.4 Bans for more information
● All official tournament support will be conducted via the Red Bull Solo Q International Discord Server :