TSU Charity Showdown

Truman State University League Showdown

Von Phi Lambda Phi
Online, Kirksville
Event Specifications

Each match will consist of single-elimination single game rounds.
Once a team is eliminated from the tournament, except in the case of the 3rd/4th tiebreaker match.
Stage placement will be seeded based on the average rank of each team.

Participation Requirements

Participants must be at least 16 years old when playing in the tournament
Participants must be students, or alumni, from Truman State University
Participants must be an active member or alumni from the Truman State University organization for which they are representing (lavaliere and other honorary memberships included).
Participants must not participate in the current LCS, LEC, LCK or other professional league
By participating in the tournament participants acknowledge without limitation to comply with the rules and regulations and with the statements and decisions made by the administration.
Every participant acknowledges the right for the administration to modify the rules and regulations for adjustments at any time without notice and if necessary, overrule those to ensure fair play and integrity throughout each tournament.
Every participant has to show the needed respect towards admins and other participants. Insults and unfair or disrespectful behavior towards anyone are not tolerated and will be punished.
Every participant must always have the newest version of League of Legends installed and has to check for updates in time before each match. Unless a new version comes out right before the match, patching is not a valid reason to delay it.
Every participant must be registered on Toornament.com and have their correct League of Legends Account entered.
Every participant has to try to win every round at every stage of the tournament. Purposely losing for any reason is strictly forbidden.
Vulgar, racist, sexist or otherwise offensive participant names are forbidden.
Every participant acknowledges the right for the administration to edit participants’ names if names are deemed unfit for display.
Every participant in the tournament consents to the collected footage of photo and audio material displaying or voicing them during the tournament to be stored and used for announcements, website content and other publications by the organizer restricted and unlimited in terms of time and place.
Scheduled times are subject to change prior to check-in, but will be locked as soon as check-in closes. All matches must be started by their scheduled time unless delayed by an in-progress game.