Rainbow 6: Pre-Invitational

Von Waves E-Gaming
Waves Egaming, 2160 Steeles Ave. W
Number of Bans: 4
Ban Timer: 20
Number of Rounds: 12
Attacker/Defender Role Swap : 6
Map Time: Day
Overtime: 3 Rounds
Overtime Score Difference: 2
Overtime Role Change: 1
Objective Rotation Parameter: 2
Objective Type Rotation: Rounds Played
Attacker Unique Spawn: On
Pick Phase Timer: 15
6th Pick Phase: On
6th Pick Phase Timer: 15
Damage Handicap: 100
Friendly Fire Damage: 100
Injured: 20
Sprint: On
Lean: On
Death Replay: Off
Game Mode: TDM BOMB
Plant Duration: 7
Defuse Duration: 7
Fuse Time: 45
Defuse Carrier Selection: On
Preparation Phase Duration: 45
Action Phase Duration: 180

Hate speech, offensive behavior, or verbal abuse related to sex, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, disability, physical appearance, body size, age, or religion. Stalking or intimidation (physically or online). Spamming, raiding, hijacking, or inciting disruption of streams or social media. Posting or threatening to post other people’s personally identifying information (“doxing”). Unwelcome sexual attention. This includes, unwelcome sexualized comments, jokes, and sexual advances. Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior. Violation to this code will result in immediate disqualification from the tournament and suspension from future events by Waves E-Gaming