Milk Kult Underground Apex League $50

PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One
Von Milk Kult Esports
Online, Your house
The tournament starts on the 30th. There is no qualifier, and no fee. You have to have at least 1 person per team stream the "2" hours of game time and make sure it is archived. You can use youtube, mixer, or twitch as long as you are able to see the gameplay afterwards.

There is no start time, you are welcome to stream for a "2" hour period within the 24 hour time period of September 30th.

Points are based off a mix of kills and placement, Heres the scoring for placement
10th | 3pts
5th | 5pts
3th | 7pts
1st | 12pts
This Tourney isn't too Kill orientated, however, I'm raising the kill/point max to 10 instead of 5.
Meaning you can get up to 10 points per person for kills, with a max of 30 for a squad collective.
(Duo players it will be 15 points max per person, and 30 for solo players)
The max points you can get is 42 per game.

The tournement is based on your top 3 games. Good luck, and happy hunting.