BabbywoopTour 2k19

BabbywoopTour 2k19

Von LPWOOP & Babymuffin
Set date, times and schedule:




RO1: 18:00 CEST

RO2: 19:15 CEST




RO3: 18:00 CEST

Finals - 21:00 CEST


General rules

1. Disputes and Admin decisions 
Any disputes that arise during gameplay should be addressed after the game finishes and reported to a Tour admin along with supporting evidence (screenshots, match ID’s, and/or stream links).
All disputes may be appealed to the Head Admin in the event you feel that you were treated unfairly by an Administrator. Any decision made by the Head Administrator is final and may not be appealed further. 

2. Sportsmanship
All Players will be required to uphold and observe an universal level of sportsmanship. Unsportsmanlike conduct includes, but is not limited to, racism, use of profanity, rude acts, vulgar acts, acts of belligerence, and disrespect towards players, Admins, or any person involved with HoN Tournaments and stand alone events.

3.3. Spectating limitations
a) Mentor Player and Spectate Player functions do not work as Tournament Rules is enabled.
b) Apart from Admins, Frostburn Staff and approved casters and co-casters, the HoN Tournament system does not allow other observers.

3.4. Becoming an approved caster/co-caster 
Please refer to the Tournament Organizer to apply to become an approved caster for games.
⦁ 4. Covering mini-map during Streamed Games.
If a streamed game is paused, streamers should cover their minimaps to prevent ghosting or accidently giving away any valuable information.
⦁ 5. Admin rulings and Exploitation of Rules 
- If a player attempts to manipulate or exploit the Rules in any way other than for its intended use, Admins reserve the right to make a final ruling on the rule in question for the given match and/or dispute.
- Admins reserve the right to make a final ruling for situations that are not covered by the rules, or make exceptions in rare cases.

⦁ 6.Prize Policy 
Tournament Prizes
Organizer or Head Admins will be responsible to make sure that the prizes recives the rightful winner.

Players & Teams
1. Players

1.1. Eligibility
a) Any player that normally has access to the NA/EU/AUS/LAT/CIS client may participate in the tournament.
b) If a player is banned from Heroes of Newerth, such player will not be allowed to play in Tournament events for the duration of the ban.

1.2. Prohibited actions
a) Account sharing is prohibited
b) Dirty ringing is prohibited.
c) A player cannot be in 2 teams at once and cannot use more than one registered account.
d) A player that participated in an event with a team, cannot play for another team during the same event.

1.3. Player's Responsibility
It is the player's responsibility to:
a) show up on time
b) know the schedule
c) respect the rules
d) remove all mods before tournament matches 

1.4. Team Representative’s Responsibility
It is the Team Representative to: 
a) sign-up for events where needed
b) communicate with opponents
c) communicate with Admins
d) handle any other issue that may come up


2.1. Team components
A team is composed of 1 Captain and maximum 6 members out of which one can be Co-Captain. The Captain and Co-Captain are able to draft. The Team Representative is any of these players (is not necessarily the "Captain" shown on team profile).

2.2. Team permissions
The Captain is able to disband the team. The Captain and Co-Captain are able to manage the team’s roster (Such as add members, change roster or delete members) and edit information via the team profile, or contact a Tour Admin.

2.3. Roster lock during the event
Roster is locked if the brackets are made, contact an Admin to perform any roster adds if new members can't join. 

2.4. Ultimate Rulings
Oranizers and Head Admins reserves the right to make any decision that they deem necessary, including but not limited to:
a) Disqualification of a team
b) Determination of tie breaking circumstances
c) Final ruling on any conflict or dispute
d) Adjustment or modification to any rule at any time throughout the tournament

Match Play

1. Entering the lobby
If a player has to play in a scheduled match, the captain of the match will be hosting a lobby. Both the captains have to roll for legion or hellbourne side. The captain with the highest roll can choose a side.

2 Ready Up and Game Start - All team members must be sitting down with their captains latest 10 minutes after the round starts or the team will be forfeiting.


6. 1. Hero and Item Restrictions - unless otherwise specified, all items that are available in the Tournament Rules game options are permitted in HoN Tournaments events, exceptions made for Orb Of Zomas, Ophelias Pact and Grave Locket and Tome of Experience.

6. 4. Game Exploits and Violations - It is illegal to intentionally utilize any game exploits for the purpose of generating a competitive advantage. Admins have discretion to determine the intention and extent of the violation and penalty.

7. Game Chat - Game chat is permitted as long as it is done in a sportsmanlike manner. All chat should be kept to a minimum. Chat violations fall under unsportsmanlike conduct and may be disputed, resulting in an Admin enforcing a penalty.