
Von Macharius & Lokki de Nuuk
Online, World
General :
- Most importantly HAVE FUN guys !!!
- Follow all the official rules detailed on the « code of conduct » paragraph of the app Rulebook : .
- Do not use bugs (Sub-hoping, Transport of released specialist, etc…) and avoid glitches (Princess, Saboteur, Pirate, etc...)
- Do not screenshot or share match content on external app, unless it has been agreed by all participants.
- The hosts are in charge to create the game, send the invitation to all participants, converge with commun rules before the game start and share the results as soon it is known.

Vassalisation :
- Do not hire or get more than two Tycoon and two Admiral at the same time. If you got your hand on one, from hypnotist, double agent or gift, when you have already two, you have 1h after the acquiring to gift it to the closest post of the player, that do not have already two of this specialists, of your choice.
- Do not receive by gift more than 50% of your team’s driller / specialist / mine.

Strucutures :
- The first, is double elimination stage. Its rounds have single game format = 8th, 4th and Semi Final.
- The second is a single elimination stage. Its only round, the final, have Best-of 3 games format = Final

Games :
- Each game will be, when it is possible, created with more player count than total number of players. Once all players have joined, the match will be started manually, so the players position will be shuffled.
- Each game will always be created as Private, Casual (Not Rated), No Anonymous and Random map. Once the game has been created, all players have 3 (three) days (72 hours) to join or forfeit the match.
- Each game type and order will be as follow
• Game 1 will be « Normal » as no mining is allowed until one team surrendered.
• Game 2 will be « Rush » as mining is allowed whenever you want.
• Game 3 will be « ColdWar » as it will start when 4 specialist drafts are available.

*Refer to the Worldcup structure to see if your round have more than one game