Xbox 2v2 Krabers Only PVP - Titan Brigade Tournaments

Xbox One
Von Titan Brigade Tournaments
The higher seed will host and select the map for game one, the teams will alternate map selection (and host if specified) until series is complete (no map repeats)

EU vs EU: EU West

EU vs US East: Top Seed hosts, every match alternates host

EU vs AU: US West

US East vs US West: Dallas

US vs AU: US West
(top seed hosts lobby)

Sets are best of 3, Grand Finals are best of 5.

This is a Double Elimination Tournament

Hosts may spectate your matches for the purpose of streaming. If you receive game invites from Dinosaurd123 or another host you must accept. They will then designate who is hosting the lobby.

Check in opens 1 hour before the tournament begins and is required for you to play in the tournament and be listed on the bracket! Additionally, you must check in at the beginning of each set throughout the tournament. You can check in for each set using the TBT server or by messaging Dinosaurd123 on Xbox.

Report your scores to Dinosaurd123 on Xbox or @host in the TBT Discord server.

Each Team must be ready to play within 15 minutes of their match's scheduled time.

Join the Titan Brigade Tournaments Discord server for more information and registration for future tournaments:
America/Detroit (UTC-04:00)
Join Discord
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