Elevated eSports Winter Open

من قِبل Elevated eSports
It is the responsibility of every player to read and understand the entire ruleset for the tournament.  A lack of knowledge of any rule is not an excuse for violating them
If there is ever any confusion about a rule, contact a league official immediately for clarification
Any situation that arises that is not covered in the ruleset will be left to the discretion of League Officials (Ttimmy2x)
Players are eligible to play in the Elevated eSports Invitational with a Gold 5 to Platinum 2 (100 LP) rank in Solo/Duo Queue on the North American League of Legends server in the most recent competitive season  
Players must not have been ranked higher than Diamond 4 in Solo/Duo Queue on the North American League of Legends server in the previous competitive season
The account used for said player must be their highest ranked account (no smurfing is allowed)
Each team must select a single player as team captain
Captains are the point of contact between the team and tournament officials
In addition to their normal player responsibilities, the team captain also needs to:
Communicate with the tournament officials on behalf of the team  
Communicate with other teams on behalf of the team  
Act as the final authority for team decisions during the tournament  
Communicate all required information to the entire team  
Accurately represent the opinions of the team as a whole
Once the season has begun, the team captain cannot be changed unless a majority vote by the players for a team
Captains are responsible for reporting match results to League Officials.  Inaccurate match reporting can result in future loss of bans or match forfeiture
Each team roster will consist of five (5) starting players along with up to three (3) substitute players (for an additional fee)
A roster may not exceed eight (8) players or drop below five (5) players
All players on a team’s roster must meet all the rules listed in “Account Requirements” to be eligible to play in an official match for their team
Players listed on the roster for a specific team may not play official matches for teams other than their own
All matches start at 6pm PST/9pm EST on the day they are scheduled unless a reschedule is agreed upon by the team captains of both teams
Reschedules must be approved by League Officials
Tournament will be played in Best of 3 format, until the Finals, which will be Best of 5
In the custom game lobby, Team 1 is the team that drafts and plays on the blue side and Team 2 drafts and plays on the red side
The higher seed will get side preference
In the game lobby, teams must set up in “LCS order” (from top to bottom of the lobby, teams must be ordered by position starting with top and followed in order by jungle, middle lane, bottom lane/adc, and lastly with support
Draft for the first game of a must start no later than 15 minutes after the scheduled start time of a match
Any team that is not able to field a full 5-person lineup by the 15-minute deadline will forfeit the entire match
In the case of a misclick or accidental pick/ban, draft can be remade to fix the mistake as long as another pick or ban was not locked in after the mistake.  If draft isn’t dodged before a new pick/ban is locked in then the misclick must remain selected in the remade draft
In the event that a draft must be remade, all picks and bans that were already locked in must be repeated
Failure to correctly repeat the picks and bans in the event of a draft remake will result in draft being remade again and the offending team will lose all its bans for that game.  Both teams will then start a brand new draft and not be required to repeat picks/bans
In the event a team has been penalized with loss of bans, the team must select the “None” option for every lost ban
In the event that a player accidentally disconnects from a game or experiences unusually high ping/lag, a team may pause the game by typing “/pause” into chat
Each team will be allotted up to ten (10) minutes or pause time in each game to attempt to resolve any disconnect or ping/lag issues
Once a team uses all of their allotted ten (10) minutes of pause time, the game must be unpaused even if a disconnect or lag issues are ongoing and must continue to play regardless (in the event a team uses all of their allotted pause time, the opposing team must still ask for ready checks before unpausing unless pause time runs to 11 minutes.  After a team has used 11 minutes of pause time the opposing team may unpause without asking for ready checks)
If a team pauses the game after using their allotted ten (10) minutes of pause time it will result in a game forfeiture
The game can be unpaused by typing “/unpause” in chat
The game may not be unpaused without both teams being ready
When the team that initiated the pause is ready to play again they must ask for a ready check in all chat.  Once either the team captain says the team is ready or at least four (4) of the opposing players indicate they are ready the game may be unpaused
Unpausing the game without a proper ready check will result in a warning for the first offense.  Subsequent offenses will result in a game forfeiture
In the event that the team that initiated a pause is ready to go but now the opposing team is not ready then the pause time will immediately swap to the other team until they are ready to play
Pauses may not be initiated during fights.  If a team needs to pause but are in a fight they must either finish the fight or disengage completely before pausing.  
Pausing during fights will carry different penalties depending on the state of the game:
Pausing during a fight prior to the ten (10)-minute mark will result in a warning
Pausing during a fight after the ten (10) minute mark if done by the leading team will result in the game being remade with the same picks/bans
Pausing during a fight after the ten (10) minute mark if done by the trailing team will result in a game forfeiture
Which team is leading will be determined by a referee based on kills, gold, items, objectives, etc.
Pause violations by a team that has received a warning during the current match will result in a game forfeiture regardless of the game state at the time of the pause
In the event that a clear leading and trailing team cannot be determined by a referee, the game will be remade and the offending team will be given a warning and be stripped of their allotted pause time for the rest of the match
Pause violations by a team that already has two warnings for pause violations during the season will immediately result in game forfeiture