Halloween Cup

من قِبل Bluewolf
Online, Europe
Teams must be below LEM (on average of the 4 highest players)
No smurfs (I will know)
Squads must be confirmed before-hand with a maximum of 7 people.
Squads under the same org will be limited to 2 and will not be allowed to play each other before the final (placed on opposite sides of the bracket.)
All players must be from Europe (Not limited to the EU.)
Minimum 2 Players on your team need to be fluent in English
Teams must nominate a Captain who will go on discord with the admin and be able to speak English

All games will be played on Popflash on Amsterdam servers unless all 10 players agree on an alternative.
Valve Active duty maps to be played
Vetos will be done in the presence of an admin (Ban, Ban, Pick, Pick, Ban, Ban) (usually myself) and scores will be recorded by screenshot (or demo link) unless an admin is present.
If the server experiences issues flag an admin before playing the whole game
If you have issues contact an admin or me
Admins decision is final
If you wish to stream you may but at your own risk
Coaches are allowed and allowed to speak all game (Not Valve Ruling)
Bug exploiting is allowed
No Cheating
Knife rounds will be played
Games are BO3

Games are BO3 which do not have to be played in a row
Games must be played within 8 days else the team at fault will be kicked out
A 3rd-place play-off will be played
No-show teams will be given a warning
2 warnings and you are out.