D2R Ranged level 30 cap

PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
-Duel will be held outside Rouge Encampment.
- Both sides must acknowledge before attacking via voice chat of some sort.
- Duels are first to 3
- The typical bad manner fashions are a Tournament banning offense. ( example: PK’ing , mercing, jumping, etc.)
- Wells/shrines are obviously banned. Accidentally clicking one results in an auto-loss unless both sides will agree to just start the duel over.
- No Pre-buffing of any sort is allowed.
- No Camping
- You can dodge a duel for 24hours, otherwise you forfeit your place once tournament has started (rule is flexible, pm Alex or Ike if there is a problem.)
- Any form of hacks and third party systems are strictly banned. WE CANNOT EMPHASIZE THIS ENOUGH! YOU WILL BE BANNED FROM THE DISCORD SERVER IF CAUGHT!
-In casual brackets charms are not allowed.
- Duels will be horizontal to the town entrance.
- All melee duels will be toe to toe (no running around)
- You must use the same character for all duels.
- You must use a skill that requires attack rating, or you are not considered melee.
- A character may switch from one skill to another during a duel, as long as both require attack rating. (ie. conc to zeal etc.)
- any type of lower defense skills are banned
- Slow in any form is banned.
- Towning or leaving the game mid-duel is an automatic loss. (If the two opponents agree it was a result of lag or a drop, duels may continue, but must start from zero)
- Maximum Resist is capped at 75%.
Potions in any form are banned, please show your belt to opponent upon request to avoid any problems.
- If you would like a referee, please pm one of the accepted judges and organize a time. They're giving up their own free time so be courteous.
- Holy Freeze is illegal.
- Use of resistance auras is banned.
- Cleansing is banned.
- Iron Maiden is illegal.
-No boxing yourself in.
- No Recasting of castable armor. (Example : Cyclone armor, Frozen Armor, Bone Armor)
- No Re- casting bear/feral to avoid dying.
-Complete Hell rushes are allowed.
The following skills are not to be used at any stage of a duel. They may have points invested in them as a pre-requisite for higher-tier skills or for synergy benefits.
* Lifetap
* Amplify Damage
* Iron Maiden
* Bone Prison (Necromancer)
* Decrepify (Necromancer)
* Blessed Hammer and Concentration at the same time (Paladin)
* Holy Bolt (Paladin)
* Holy Freeze (Paladin)
* Blaze (Sorceress)
* Teleport (Sorceress)
These items may not be used in the form of class skills, o-skills granted by items, charges, or chance to cast when striking.

* Please try to be polite, so don't town guard, corpse guard, steal gold, etc.
* High level dueling takes place in Nightmare difficulty, low level dueling takes place in Normal.
* Potions, wells, shrines and mercenaries are not allowed.
* The only minions allowed (with the exception of the Amazon’s decoy) are those that can be summoned in town. Other minions, like the Necromancer’s revives, skeletons or magi, are not allowed.
* Duels only start when both parties have clearly stated their readiness.
* Characters requiring arrows or bolts must have their full supply on their character (in their hand, inventory or Horadric Cube). They will not be allowed to return to town if they run out of arrows or bolts during a duel, although extra quivers may be dropped just inside town to facilitate easier replenishment between duels.
* Leaving the Blood Moor is a loss for you, or your team (whichever applies)
* In a team duel, you must stay in town if you die until the duel is over.
The standard Bad Manner (BM) list.
* No potions, mercs, wells, or shrines.
* No recasting Cyclone and Bone Armor.
* No minions that cannot be summoned in town with the exception of Decoy.
* No Holy Freeze, Decrepify, or Bone Prison.
* No mass slow (>10%), no mass poison from items (>200), no mass replenish (>25).
* No curse charges (this includes Slow Missiles). Chance to cast is acceptable.
* Standard ban on Rising Sun and Black Oak.