MCM Valorant PowerPlay

MCM Valorant PowerPlay Season 1

من قِبل MCM eSports
Online, Bangladesh
# Registration Rules

- Each team can register at least 5 players, at max of 7 players.
- Team captain's phone number must be active.
- Max 2 players can be added as substitutes.
- Once the tournament starts, you cannot replace any player.
- A player cannot be part of any other team’s roster which is participating or has participated in the same tournament.
- A player is allowed to represent only one (1) team’s roster in the same tournament.
- If you face any issues with your account, contact support through our discord.
- Registered players aren't allowed to share their registered account with anyone else, neither they are allowed to use someone else's account within the tournament.
- Once your registration is complete, please check in into MCM eSports discord in the #check-in channel, to make sure your registration is validated.

# Age Restriction

- Each participant (Player) needs to be of the age of Thirteen (13) or older at the point of the tournament start date.

# Communication

- Each team will be assigned a discord voice channel, they will have to join that channel during the match.
- Each team has to check-in before their scheduled match in the discord chat at least 15 mins before the match.
- All active players for a specific match must be in their assigned discord voice channel, no exception.
- No coaches are allowed in discord voice channel.

# Team Discontinuation in Tournament

- Each team has to join the match within the scheduled time, if they are delayed more than 10 min, their opponent team will get a walkover.
- If a player has been found to share their account or impersonate another player during the tournament, their respective team will face disqualification.
- If a team forfeits more than 2 matches in a row, they will face automatic disqualification.
- If a player or team management disrespect or misbehave with another team or organizer or community partners, this will result in immediate disqualification.
- If player(s) are found to be cheating, their entire team will be disqualified. The definition of cheating is mentioned further below.

# Match Rules

- All players have to be in Lobby at least 10 mins before the match.
- If a player disconnects before the match has started, they will be allowed a maximum of 10 min from the scheduled time.
- If a player disconnects after the match has started and damage has been dealt, the match will continue regardless of the player's ability to join again.
- If a player disconnects and can't join because of a known valorant bug, we will only entertain the possibility of a remade if the match didn't start. In which case, we will recreate the lobby.

# Cheat, Game Modification, Game Exploits

It is forbidden to cheat, modify the game files, exploit bugs, and/or use any third-party application which would give an unfair advantage against other users.

All cheats are completely forbidden to use under any circumstance while playing in any MCM eSports event. Using any cheat will result in bans and disqualifications. This includes, but are not limited to:

- Radar Hacks
- Wall Hacks
- Speed Hacks
- Aim Hacks
- Hitbox Manipulation
- Teleportation ( Any kind of teleportation that is not within the accepted game mechanics )
- Exploiting game bugs to gain any advantage over your opponents that the game mechanics don't legally allow.

# Behaviour and Treatment

- Show respect to everyone involved in the tournament. This includes, but is not limited to players and staff.
- Treat everyone the same way you would like to be treated yourself.
- Always show integrity while playing in every tournament, be honest, and play fair.
- Do not use any discriminatory language, including but not limited to any language regarding ethnicity, nationality, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or personal beliefs.
- Do not make threats of real-world violence or other intended harm to anyone involved in the tournament.
- Do not harass, stalk, or purposely do things to make someone else feel uncomfortable or threatened.
- Do not share personal information about yourself or other individuals.
- Do not engage in, request, arrange, or offer illegal activities or materials.
- Do not impersonate other individuals.
- We understand in the heat of the moment, players act irrationally sometimes, but please do your best not to make it a thing.
- If a situation arises where things go beyond what's accepted as normal, MCM eSports authority will have the absolute power to take any action deemed necessary.