Fortnite Friday Solo Kill race Oct.29th

الكمبيوتر, Xbox One
من قِبل Contender eSports Springfield LLC
Contender eSports Springfield

Players must have an account lvl of 15
Each player will get a total of 5 matches
Kills are added up after each match
Players with the most accumulated kills wins!
If a player plays a next match with out reporting their score it is an instant DQ


After a match is played before you leave your match raise your hand to get the attention of a contender staff and show them the match results!


Players will be at all times expected to respect Contender Esports Center rules and follow the instructions of staff. Any cheating, harassment or other conduct that violates store policies will be grounds for immediate disqualification and revocation or any awarded prize money. Contender reserves the right to change or alter these rules based on event attendance, time restraints, or any other issue deemed to necessitate a major change. Any changes will be disclosed to players prior to events start.