Knockout Top 5

من قِبل Jared/Daniel
*WIN CONDITIONS:* The final score on the scoreboard for each round will be the primary determining factor in which player wins or loses. For the avoidance of doubt, the scoreboard will take precedent over any in-Game victory, defeat or draw messages in determining the winner of each round.

*TIME LIMIT:* Both players must report the Match results within ten (10) minutes of its completion and Play a match of 10mins On Shipment Setting the score board to 20. Failure to report the match results on time or respond to any messages that a Player receives from a tournament official may result in their team receiving the loss.

*MATCH SCORE:* Players must report their Match score results on their LG WhatsApp Group.

*PROOF:* It is highly recommended that proof is taken with the phone’s built in recording system to gather proof. At least one member of each team should take a video or screenshot(s) of each Game’s results in case proof is needed for a dispute. All proof should be clearly visible and contain the Game score. If you seem to be having issues with LAG or PING SPIKE. Take a screenshot and post it on the WhatsApp group chat. It'd be determined if the match would be rescheduled or forfeited.

*DISQUALIFICATION:* In the event that a Player is disqualified from a tournament, the Administration will either (i) give the opposing Player a bye in the bracket or (ii) replace the disqualified Player with the next eligible player (a “Replacement Player”) at the Administration’s sole discretion.

*DISCLAIMER:* Leaving a match in progress would get you disqualified automatically.