Rhythm Gaming 5v5 League

PlayStation 4
من قِبل RG Leadership
Rhythm Gaming has the right to update rules up to the start of the LEAGUE on 5/10/2020.

****Rules Last Updated 4/20/2020****

The date will be changed with an update!! Leaders responsibility to read the rules and to hand all disputes! If a dispute can not be handled then you will bring it to the support section in the RG Discord.

Maps: Randomly Generated (Hydra, Reaction, Spring Street, CrossFire, Red Line, Intercept, Checkout, Uptown, and Hospital)

All but NO RPG!!!! (Uses of RPG is any means will be forfeit of that map) Proof must be submitting is Disputed

Match Settings:
Rounds: 11
Friendly Fire: Full
Use Roles: On
Aim Assist: On


Every team will play in the Home and Away format. Teams will meet each other twice. Giving both teams a chance to host all three maps.

Home teams will host all three maps:
(ONLY Switches the next time your teams meet)

Team A (Top) - Home Team
Team B (Bottom) - Away Team

All players are allowed to play but a North American Player Must HOST!!!!


Must have a minimum of 3 players to register a team with a max of 7 players on the roster. See the Roster section for more information.

A team can initiate a game as long as they have at least 3 players minimum. All players must be on the roster.



There will be no exceptions to this rule. You can not agree to let someone play that is not on the roster or is not on the roster correctly.

Clans may sign up to 3 (5-Man) Teams.

You may not roster anyone more than once meaning a player can not be on another roster period.

Once you are rostered once on one team you may not be on another team. Even if your team has been eliminated.

Teams may sub players in between maps only!

Seeding will be completely randomized. No matter how good you are everything is going to be random.

Additional Problems:
If there are any additional problems, they are to be submitted to the support team on discord. Action will be taken there. Proof must be submitted.

Questions please ask!

Ping cannot be over 200 (More than one player). Any ping issues must be brought up before the second round starts.

The hosting team gets 3 chances to find a suitable host. If they cannot find one the other team will get to host.

If a player disconnects, they can reconnect if it is the same player that disconnected. If they rejoin on the wrong team, they have 5 seconds to leave or the current map will be forfeited by the offending team.

If multiple players from a team disconnect the match is to be put on pause and the hosting team must rehost. Only the players that were going to originally play the first map will be allowed to rejoin as long as they rejoin on the right team. No subbing players in a mass drop. The match will continue the round count when the drop happened.

Example: Score is 2-1 when the drop happens. Once the teams get back in the score resumes at 2-1.

Note: There is a difference between being disconnected and leaving. If the majority of the team LEAVES that will be considered a forfeit of the map.