National Pro Scrims League S3

Nepal National Pro Scrims League Season 3

من قِبل Nepal Gaming Community
Online, Kathmandu
1. Politeness and kindness are expected to be shown throughout the server.
2. Server invites are disabled unless you are Squad Leader or Squad Member. Be part of the community before advertising your own.
3. Respect is a priority on this server, treat others the way you’d want to be treated.
4. Change your nickname and include initials of your Squad Name in front of your game name in this server. You must do it.
5. Use the channels accordingly. Music in general lobby will not be tolorated.
6. Harassing, abusing, or using any type of hate speech towards another player is not permitted.
7. Posting any NSFW content (which includes your avatar) will result in an instant kick, if you do not change it when you come back, you will be banned.
8. Spamming = Insta-ban
9. All threats are taken seriously, do not joke around when threatening another player.