Community Cup #8 EU

من قِبل EchoCommunity
Online, Echo VR
1. Start time

All matches are supposed to start within 5 minutes. If the other team does not show up or causes major delays report to an admin immediately.

2. Breaks

Keep any breaks as short as possible to avoid delays. Match starts, technical issues and other delays should not take longer than 5 minutes and breaks between matches not longer than 2 minutes. Report longer delays to an admin immediately.

3. Forfeiting

Any team can forfeit at any time.

4. Technical Issues

Teams are responsible for any of their own technical issues, including hardware, software, or internet issues. Matches are to be continued as normal if these issues arise, with the following stipulations:

4.1. Procedure

Any delays due to technical issues have to be reported immediately to an admin.

If a player disconnects or has any other issues during an active round that prevents them from continuing, the game will NOT be stopped. The remaining players must continue to play until the next goal is scored by either team.

Each team can request ONE restart per cup round by pressing the restart button after a goal is conceded by either team.

The restart button has to be pressed while the timer is frozen, before the next tube launch. If a team requests a restart during this time, the other team must accept it if it is the first one from that team (i.e. it's not optional). If neither team requests a restart before the countdown has finished, the match continues to the next goal. As soon as all players are able to continue, the match will be continued following these steps:

4.1.1. The match time will be set to the time that the timer shows after the last goal was scored with an additional 25 seconds added.

4.1.2 The score will set to what it was when the last point was scored, minus 2 points for the team that scored last.

4.1.3 The match will be started and the team that scored the last goal will then score a two-point goal when the 25 seconds are over.

This is done to ensure that the team that was scored on last starts with the disc on their side as would have been the case if no restart had happened.

If a team has issues a second time, the game will not be stopped again and continues as a 2 vs. 3 to prevent further delays to the whole tournament.

4.2. 2 vs. 3

If the player is unable to continue to play within 5 minutes or the affected team has already used up its one restart, the match continues as a 2 vs 3. The affected team will not be forced to forfeit but has the option to do so.

If the player returns, they may rejoin as soon as they are able. They do not have to wait for the next point to be scored.

4.3. Default win

Default forfeits due to player technical issues that were not reported will be at an admin's discretion. This is to prevent unnecessary delays to the tournament.

5. Substitute players

Teams can change a player between games, but not during. This player has to be on the team when they sign up. This player is not allowed in the arena as a spectator to avoid cheating through ghosting the other team (i.e. giving the team information through private comms that they would not otherwise have, like where players are hidden or if they are boosting etc.).

6. Mercy

If a team reaches a point lead of 25 or more, that team automatically wins.