Ameteur League #1

من قِبل Team DelatiMoZ
Cheating is not tolerated, instances of cheating are dealt with at admin discreation.
All insults will be dealt with at admin discreation, insulting is classed as any violent threats, pornographic imagery, explicit language in-game or severe insults.
You have 15 minutes after the scheduled time to have your team readied up.
Teams must have at least 4 players on the server to play the match.
Teams can report if the enemy team takes longer than 10 minutes in total in pauses.

Each team must nominate a team captain to provide contact details (e.g Twitter, Steam, Discord etc.) to be contacted by the Conflict admins in order to reschedule games.
Each team captain must be active in the Discord for important updates, contacting other teams and rescheduling matches.

All games will be scheduled and played in Denmark time. Toornament times will change to your own local time.

There will be a veto in all games.