Spartan Gaming League

Spartan Gaming League: Dota 2 Fall Leg

من قِبل Spartan eSports
1 - Format
1.1 - All matches consist of three maps (Best of Three- Bo3). The team who wins the majority of the three maps wins the match.
1.2 - Format breakdown:
Match format: Best of Three (BO3 – First team to win 2 out of the 3 matches wins). Grand Finals will be Best of Five(BO5 - First team to win 2 out of the 5 matches wins)
Game mode: Captains Mode
Average Match Length: 2 to 3 hours
Fielded players: 5vs5
Players per team: 5
Reserves per team: Recommended 1 to 3
Roster Locks: ON

2 - Disconnections
2.1 - It is the team's responsibility to pause should their player disconnect. (Please read section "14 - Pauses" in regards on how to handle a pause)
2.2 - If the match has been going for less than 5 minutes and a player disconnects and is unable to rejoin, then the game should be restarted.
2.3 - In the event of a remake, players must play the same heroes, buy the same initial items, pick the same spells, and go to the same lanes as they did in the prior game. Players may change lanes once the creeps in their initial lanes meet. If a team employed a strategy (such as a level 1 Roshan) that is heavily dependent on the surprise factor of the draft in the opening minutes of the game, and a player legitimately dropped during this stage; an admin may allow a re-draft and re-match (of that individual game).

3 - Fair Play Rule
3.1 - The players are expected to play by their full capacity at all times. Losing on purpose won’t be tolerated and will result in a disqualification. This is up to the Head Admin to decide. This is a professional tournament and all players are expected to act like such.

4 - Recordings & Screenshots
4.1 - Both teams must record every league match.
4.2 - It is required that every player records their matches or saves the replay of all of their league matches.
4.3 - Screenshots of both teams line-ups and the scores must be taken. (it is recommended that everyone on take these screenshots)
4.4 - Screenshots of the end scores for each match must be uploaded to the SGL. Failure to do so will results in penalties.

5 – Results
5.1 - Both team captains must post the result on the match thread, as well as a screenshot of the end-game score of all games. Screenshots and results must be posted the same night as the match. Results that are not submitted by the time the admin needs them, will be marked as a double forfeit.

6 - Casting/Streams/Admins
6.1 - Only SGL official administrators and streamers may join the game as broadcasters or spectators. Streamers may bring a co-caster to cast with them, provided that caster is not explicitly banned from casting DGL matches. Players may not stream a game they themselves are playing in.
6.2 - If an official caster requests a password for a lobby, neither team may refuse to give it to them. Some casts might request an interview with players before or after the game, players are well within their rights to refuse to do an interview if they wish.

7 - Game Rules
Game Mode: Captains Mode
Server : South Africa
Game Type: Tournament (you may not use any other version!)
Fill Empty Slots With Bots: No
Enable Cheats: No

8 - Victory Conditions
8.1 - A game is finished when:
8.2 - An Ancient Fortress is destroyed.
8.3 - A team forfeits.The majority of a team leaves on purpose.
8.4 - An admin decides the match is over.

9 - Cheats and Bug Exploits
9.1 - SGL reserves the right to investigate incidents in which teams have been accused of exploiting a bug which is considered to be an unintended mechanic. The DGL can issue any form of punishment it sees fit for the situation at hand.
9.2 - Please contact a Spartan Gaming League admin for clarification before using a suspected exploit or bug during your match.
9.3 - Cheating is not permitted in any way, shape or form.
9.4 - No third party scripts/programs which interact directly or indirectly with the game are permitted. This includes AutoHotkey, cheat applications and any player-created applications. This does not include Mumble (which may overlay an interface of who is in your mumble channel talking), nor any other chat application.
10 - Item Restrictions & Sharing
10.1 - There are no item restrictions. Players may share items as far as the game permits.
11 - Side Selection
11.1 - A coin toss will be held in the match lobby before the match begins.
11.2 - To begin the Side Selection process, the team leaders must elect which of them call for the heads or tails side of the coin. If neither clan leader can come to an agreement, the team with the highest seed will be given the choice.
11.3 - The clan leader who is not calling heads or tails will then toss the coin (using the /flip command in lobby chat) and the winning team of the coin toss will have the choice to pick which side of the map they want to start on (Dire or Radiant) OR to decide which team will be picking first in the banning phase.
11.4 - This process will be repeated for subsequent matches.
11.5 - If a team wishes to play either Dire or Radiant for both games they must come to a mutual agreement between themselves. This is not obligatory and teams can refuse to do so.
### We will leave 11.5 completely in the hands of the players. Mutual agreements must be confirmed by both captains in the comment section of the respective match If no mutual agreement is made or rules 2.6.2 is refused by an opposing team revert back to 2.6.1.

### Do not bother us with any disputes on this matter as they will be ignored ###

12 - Creep Blocking
12.1 - Teams may not intentionally block a lane for an extended period of time. (example: Using Chen creeps to clock a lane is forbidden)
13 - Pauses
13.1 - Player needs to announce a pause at least 5 seconds in advance stating a reasonable justification (except for disconnects).
13.2 - A pause may last at most five minutes. This may be overwritten should both teams agree to it (no dispute may be lodged regarding pausing once both teams have agreed to extend the pause). - Updated 03 March 2014
### It is suggested that you take a screenshot of the team agreeing to pause longer than 5min ###

• The Spartan Gaming League and Digital Gaming Terms and conditions apply • Right of Admission reserved • The admins decision is final • Spartan Gaming League reserves the right to modify any and all rulesets without notifying the contestants